How To Recover Deleted Phone Numbers From Whatsapp

WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging apps worldwide, enabling users to stay connected with friends, family, and colleagues.

It stores contacts and their associated phone numbers within its database, making it convenient to reach out to people directly from the app.

However, accidents can happen, and phone numbers might get accidentally deleted. But worry not, as there are methods available to recover these deleted phone numbers.

Understanding WhatsApp Data Backup

WhatsApp provides an automatic backup feature that periodically saves your chat history, including contacts, to your device or cloud storage. This backup can come in handy when trying to recover deleted phone numbers.

Before attempting any recovery methods, ensure that you have a recent backup of your WhatsApp data. This will significantly increase your chances of successfully retrieving the deleted phone numbers.

Recovering Deleted Phone Numbers from WhatsApp on Android

Restore from Local Backup

If you have an Android device and regularly back up your WhatsApp data locally,

follow these steps to recover deleted phone numbers:

  • Uninstall WhatsApp from your device.
  • Reinstall WhatsApp from the Google Play Store.
  • During the setup process, verify your phone number.
  • WhatsApp will automatically detect the local backup.
  • Choose the option to restore your chat history.
  • Once the restore is complete, your deleted phone numbers should reappear in your contacts.

Restore from Google Drive Backup

Restore from Google Drive Backup

If you use Google Drive to back up your WhatsApp data, you can recover deleted phone numbers using the following steps:

  • Install WhatsApp from the Google Play Store.
  • Verify your phone number during the setup process.
  • WhatsApp will prompt you to restore your chat history from Google Drive.
  • Select the restore option, and your deleted phone numbers will be recovered.

Recovering Deleted Phone Numbers from WhatsApp on iOS

Recovering deleted phone numbers from WhatsApp on iOS devices is a slightly different process.

Here’s how you can do it:

Restore from iCloud Backup

If you have an iCloud backup of your WhatsApp data,

you can follow these steps to recover deleted phone numbers:

  • Uninstall WhatsApp from your iOS device.
  • Reinstall WhatsApp from the App Store.
  • Verify your phone number during the setup process.
  • WhatsApp will prompt you to restore your chat history from iCloud.
  • Select the restore option, and your deleted phone numbers will be restored.

Restore from iTunes Backup

If you have backed up your iPhone using iTunes,

you can use the following steps to recover deleted phone numbers:

  • Connect your iPhone to the computer with the iTunes backup.
  • Open iTunes and select your device.
  • Click on the “Restore Backup” option.
  • Choose the relevant backup file that contains your WhatsApp data.
  • Click “Restore” to begin the restore process.
  • Once the restore is complete, your deleted phone numbers will be recovered.

Using Third-Party Recovery Tools

If the above methods don’t work or you don’t have a backup, you can explore third-party recovery tools specifically designed for WhatsApp data recovery.

These tools can scan your device or backup files to retrieve deleted phone numbers and other WhatsApp data. However, exercise caution when using such tools and ensure they are from reputable sources to protect your privacy and data security.

Tips to Prevent Phone Number Deletion in the Future

Prevention is always better than cure. To avoid the frustration of losing phone numbers from WhatsApp in the future,

consider the following tips:

  • Regularly backup your WhatsApp data using the app’s built-in backup feature.
  • Enable cloud backups on platforms like Google Drive or iCloud for an added layer of protection.
  • Be cautious while deleting contacts within WhatsApp to prevent accidental deletions.

Losing phone numbers from WhatsApp can be distressing, but with the right approach, you can recover them successfully. This article has provided various methods for recovering deleted phone numbers on both Android and iOS devices.

Remember to back up your WhatsApp data regularly to avoid such situations in the future and consider using third-party recovery tools as a last resort.


Can I recover deleted phone numbers from WhatsApp without a backup?

Unfortunately, without a backup, the chances of recovering deleted phone numbers from WhatsApp are significantly reduced. It is recommended to regularly back up your WhatsApp data to prevent data loss.

Are third-party recovery tools safe to use?

While there are reputable third-party recovery tools available, it is crucial to research and choose trusted ones to ensure data privacy and security. Exercise caution and read user reviews before using any third-party tools.

Can I recover only specific phone numbers from WhatsApp backup?

Yes, when restoring from a backup, you can choose to recover specific phone numbers along with the associated chat history. The restore process will allow you to select the desired data to recover.

How frequently should I back up my WhatsApp data?

To minimize the risk of data loss, it is advisable to back up your WhatsApp data at least once a week or as often as possible. This way, you can ensure that your important phone numbers and conversations are always protected.

Are the recovery methods mentioned applicable to all versions of WhatsApp?

Yes, the recovery methods mentioned in this article are applicable to the latest versions of WhatsApp on both Android and iOS platforms. However, the specific steps may vary slightly based on the device and operating system version.

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